- Undertaking -
- 理念 -
それを具現化させ生かせられる、もっと言えば商売に結びつけ自社を自身を豊かにさせる。 そういう可能性を秘めたものが「1つ以上のアイデア」だといえるのではないでしょうか。

私たちは、パソコンという仮想現実の中に現実を創り出していくお手伝いをいたします。 あなたのアイデアと私たちのノウハウによって、目の前に広がる可能性をもっと広げていきませんか。

たとえば、インターネット。インタ−ネットにひろがる可能性はもはや実現可能な空間です。 毎日、毎時さまざまな人々がインターネット上をさまよい続けています 。 まさにそのアイデアを、その可能性を探し続けているということです。




- Thought -

Anyone has one or more ideas.
it is made to embody and it can be employed efficiently -- if it says more, it will connect to trade and self will be made rich for its company Can't it be said that it is "one or more ideas which hid such possibility"?

We do the help which creates reality in virtual reality called a personal computer. Isn't a possibility of spreading at hand extended, more by your idea and our know-how?

For example, the Internet. A possibility of spreading in the Internet is already realizable space. People various every day per hour are continuing wandering about on the Internet. . It hears [ I ] that it is continuing look for the possibility for the very idea.

For example, an image, printed matter. Each media will make each possibility promote [ effect / vision / which is crossed to a hand from a man to people ] from the world and the hand of CG projected on a television screen and a monitor.

Let's realize all ideas, such as information offer, goods introduction, Company PR, a management system, resource preservation, and event support. Furthermore, the infinite possibility will be produced.

We experienced the possibility of the former many, were realized and have extended further. It is surely believed that your world of you can be extended.

- 社長挨拶 -
拝啓 時下ますますご清栄のこととお慶び申しあげます。




- Greeting -
Dear Now, We are increasingly delighted with health and prosperity.
Thank you very much for usually giving us your exceptional kind consideration.

In this time called IT revolution and the social figures changed at dizzy speed, and various changes to business and a life style has occurred by rapid changes of an information technology also in it. Evolution of the information technology which will especially continue, and osmosis into the society will live our life richer more comfortable.

In such a time, we respond to changes of the current to surround sensitively, and without being caught by existing markets, operating methods, and systems, We are keeping in mind so that ourselves can always offer service newly with will we create.

Professional which we are lifetime agents who always consider a visitor's profits more than a visitor, and were equipped with the newest advanced knowledge and newest advanced technology and for which it can depend -- a belief -- and So that we can send the suitable best proposal to an information society from the original way of thinking aiming at the form of the comprehensive, completely new advertising agency which compounds organically the know-how cultivated so far and a network progressive soul from now on. And Our advance is continued intently, without fearing a risk.

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