- Howto -
- 01 Fireworks -

Macromedia FireworksMXを使用して、このサイトのメニューイメージの制作手順を紹介します。右は完成例です。



Macromedia FireworksMX is used and introduce the work procedure of the menu image of this site. The right image is an example of completion.
Although a capture screen is FireworksMX,. It does not change mostly with Fireworks4 about the basic function or interface which are introduced here.

(* there are images processed with Photoshop in part)

Macromedia FireworksはMacromedia社の登録商標です。

- 01 Fireworks -

(1) 背景のイメージを用意します。




・ あとでサイズを変更しないのであれば、ビットマップに結合しておきましょう。

(1) Prepare for the a background image

Some layers overlap and the image consists of completion images.Therefore, you make one layer at a time.

- Arrange a green image to the lower part.

- Arrange the image of a white rectangle to the upper layer. (It is made larger size than campus size at this time.)(When an "effect" is applied to a white image, it is for making it a "drops shadow" etc. start to the limit of a campus.)
- If you don't change the size, let's combine with a bit map.


- 01 Fireworks -

(2) ボタンのベースとなるフレームを描きます。







(2) Draw the frame used as the base of a button

You prepared The image picture of scenery image picture beforehand.

- Draw the outline of a path using a "pen tool."

- "coating" -- brown and ocher -- set up sexy gradation
(It dares. Although the same effect as a right example is acquired even if it uses a "texture" for "coating" at this time, since it is hard to be reflected as expected, time and effort is applied for a while.)

- Arrange "the image picture of scenery" and clip it in the selection range of the drawn path. ("Preservation of the selection range" and "restoration of the selection range" are used effectively.)
- Adjust the transparency of the image picture of the clipped scenery.

- Copy the path drawn previously, shift to the lower right, and cancel "coating."The layer of the path copied at this time is arranged down to the layer of the path drawn previously.


- 01 Fireworks -

(3) ボタンを描きます。



(3) Draw a button

- Draw a path using the "Rectangle tool."

- Make it a suitable size and apply "transparent", "BEBERU", and a "drops shadow." ( The number of menus is copied and arranged.)

- 01 Fireworks -

(4) 「フレーム2」を作ります。



・「フレームの作成/複製」へ「フレーム1」をドラッグ&ドロップすると 「フレーム2」 が生成されます。

(4) Make "a frame 2"

When you display"a frame 2" by the browser, it is the image which interchanges by "mouse over." A motion can be expressed, if change of a color is given to "a frame 2" or change of a position is attached.

- Double-click the folder of layers other than a button, and carry out the check "which shares this layer between other frames."

- If "a frame 1" is dragged and dropped to "creation/duplicate" of a frame "Frame 2" It is generated. - Change "coating" of the rectangle path of "a frame 2."

- 01 Fireworks -

(5) テキストを入力します。




(5) Input a text

- Input the character of a title and each menu buttons.

- Apply an effect in a "drops shadow" etc.

- The layer which inputs a character is convenient, when editing later, if share" is set up with the frame besides ".

- 01 Fireworks -

(6) マウスオーバーを設定します。



(6) Set up mouse over
A "slice" is the range by which an image is automatically divided at the time of the "beginning."
- Set up a "slice."




- Carry out a right click on a "slice" and set up "an addition of swap image behavior." - If the "slice" is named, it will become the file name of the image written out by the "beginning", and will be easy to arrange.

- Choose the slice domain of the image replaced in a "swap image" window.

- 01 Fireworks -

(7) 書き出します。






(7) Write out

You check the preview and the beginning is carried out. If you push "F12" key, a browser can start and the check of your image, "mouse over", etc.,

- Set up a color by "preview of the beginning."

- Set up the optimal format of colors, such as "GIF" and "Animation "GIF" and JPEG", and quality of image. (Since there are much slice and gradation, it is set as the 256 color GIF.)

- If the beginning of HTML is set up at the time of the "beginning", it can use as it is.

After you saved that, it will be completion.

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